MPTF 100 Logo | Caring is Infinite

A Crisis for So Many

July 14, 2023 - With production shut down due to the current work stoppage, we have seen a dramatic increase in inbound calls to MPTF from industry members seeking some form of assistance. Speaking to Deadline, Jennifer Jorge, our Director of Community Social...

A black and white photo of a studio with lighting equipment.

Let’s Get Social

Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy recently published a report about the significant health impact of social isolation and loneliness, as well as the healing effects of social connection and community. “Loneliness is far more than just a bad feeling,” he noted....

Our epidemic of loneliness and isolation.

A Life To Celebrate

Our commitment to promoting social connection with programs like the Daily Call Sheet, which pairs industry volunteers with retired industry members for ongoing friendly social calls, has resulted in powerful pairings of volunteers with older adults over the past...

A man holding a gun in front of smoke.

Passing the Torch

When we say MPTF is “taking care of our own,” that includes all generations in the entertainment industry. Our newest initiative is Passing the Torch, a mentorship program bringing attention to two issues that broadly impact our entertainment community: diversity...

Two men standing next to each other in an office.

Constant Companions

Longtime SAG members and spouses Bill Doyle and Lissa Negrin have seen it all in the entertainment business, with Lissa stealing scenes as a writer, comedian, and even a Cher impersonator. However, the past few years changed everything when she was diagnosed with...

A woman wearing a purple jacket.

Lights, Camera, Take Action!

Aired live on Los Angeles' KTLA 5 on December 10, 2022, MPTF's first live telethon is hosted by Yvette Nicole Brown and Tom Bergeron, and produced by Phil Rosenthal and David Wild. Thank you to our presenting sponsors, City National Bank and UCLA Health. To donate...

Tom Bergeron and Yvette Nicole Brown

I Am MPTF: Billy Ray, Ashlei Tave and Tony Ludwig

Oscar-nominated screenwriter Billy Ray, stunt woman Ashlei Tave, and producer and MPTF resident Tony Ludwig share their moving stories about why "I Am MPTF" at “100 Years of Hollywood: A Celebration of Service."

Three people standing next to each other holding microphones.