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Isolation and Loneliness: A Crisis We Can Solve Together

CallHub was created by MPTF to empower corporations and other philanthropic organizations to play their part in keeping us all connected. Building upon our experience combating social isolation and loneliness in the entertainment community, we’ve developed an end-to-end solution that enables countless individuals and organizations to mobilize to create meaningful social connections—the bedrock of good health and well-being.


  • Facilitates safe, telephonic connections between volunteers and isolated older adults
  • Enables a network of organizations to mobilize a solution for older adults struggling amidst the global pandemic
  • Activates volunteers looking to contribute from the shelter of their own home
  • Open source utility allows organizations to focus on managing their volunteer resources without having to focus on technical components or data management
MPTF Call Hub

“I live alone, so if I don’t get a call, then I don’t talk to anyone all day.”

– ROSE, 84 YRS


The impact of loneliness and social isolation is proven to have direct effects on health, including cardiovascular disease, depression, accelerated cognitive decline, decreased sleep, and increased inflammation. Furthermore, older people are more at risk of social isolation and these subsequent health problems.

MPTF Call Hub


  1. Easily upload contacts to your CallHub Dashboard to begin to organize volunteers and outreach efforts
  2. Seamlessly manage matches between pools of volunteers and individuals in need
  3. Monitor on-going activity to ensure everyone is engaged and getting the attention they deserve


Both social isolation and loneliness are associated with poor physical health, mental health, cognitive decline and increased risk of dementia, loss of independence, and, even, early death. According to one study, the adverse effects of social isolation on life expectancy are comparable to smoking 15 cigarettes per day.

Considering everything from the physiologic impacts—effects on immune function and levels of inflammation, sleep quality, stress levels—to simply how someone is feeling about their own health and state of mind, we know that loneliness and isolation are taking a toll. While this is a public health crisis affecting people of all ages and backgrounds, we also know that certain groups are at higher risk and that the impacts on the health and well-being of older adults are particularly widespread and devastating. But connections can heal. Now is the time to move from awareness to action.


Social isolation is perhaps the most significant secondary adverse consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is an immediate demand for effective engagement strategies and urgent need for a safe and scalable infrastructure to reduce loneliness, as seen in this global pandemic. The convergence of these two epidemics (Covid- 19 and Social Isolation) are magnifying the scope, intensity and scale of the problems on a global scale.

“It’s so nice to have someone to talk to on the phone. A verbal hug is what these calls are to me… it’s so important these days..”

MPTF Call Hub
MPTF Call Hub

“It’s so nice to have someone to talk to on the phone. A verbal hug is what these calls are to me… it’s so important these days..”



MPTF has taken a proactive leadership position in working to reduce social isolation both within the entertainment industry community and across Los Angeles while advancing intergenerational solutions.

  • Experience: Over 3 years, and counting, learning from our acclaimed Daily Call Sheet program.
  • Convener and Thought Leader: Host of several summits on global best practices in identifying and reducing social isolation and loneliness
  • Catalyst for Change: Lead an action-oriented coalition of organizations focused on addressing loneliness and isolation as critical public health issues in our communities.
  • We understand the power of affinity groups and trusted networks. That’s why we’ve developed the training, tools, resources, and infrastructure to enable countless organizations to facilitate meaningful connections between volunteers and those who are isolated and in need.


This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in meaningful research to guide effective and targeted efforts to address loneliness and isolation, strengthen communities, and improve the health and wellbeing of older adults.

MPTF Call Hub

Dr. Scott Kaiser

Keeping members of our communities connected is one of the many ways that MPTF is committed to supporting our community in living well, and aging well, with dignity and purpose.