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Measurable Caring

Wilson Wong promotion Director of Recreational Services

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Promoted to Director of Recreational Services in 2021, Wilson Wong started working for MPTF nearly 14 years ago. “I wanted to do something fun that also made a difference,” he says when describing what drew him to the profession and MPTF. Wilson illustrates the deep sense of purpose he and his entire team bring to campus as he explains, “We work on very specific things, depending on the need, that are individualized, measurable, evidence-based, and help the quality of life.” The devoted members of the front-line Recreation and Activities team were instrumental in helping residents on campus through an immensely challenging year.

Wilson (seen above with resident Harry Northup) and his team delivered care packages to residents, including puzzle books and soothing lotions, went door-to-door delivering ice cream and snacks, and found creative ways to stay connected, since leaving campus or getting physically close was strictly prohibited. “When you’re not talking with people on a regular basis, signs and symptoms of mental cognitive decline go under the radar,” he explains. “We definitely have a strong family atmosphere amongst staff and the residents. We see these residents more than we see our own families. I wasn’t able to see my grandma and my mother, my sisters and cousins and uncles and aunts for a while, because I wanted to be safe. So, we kind of lean on each other. We’re just so lucky to be here. There’s nothing like this place.” Thank you Wilson, for the care you and your entire team bring to our MPTF family.