These are the people we touch and the work we do.

Rising Stars

Jennifer Jorge was an intern with the Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium (GSWEC) 16 years ago. And now she’s Director of Community Social Services for MPTF

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Jennifer Jorge was first introduced to MPTF as an intern with the Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium (GSWEC) 16 years ago. And now she’s Director of Community Social Services for MPTF, and part of its Social Services leadership team. Jennifer refers to GSWEC as “a life-changing opportunity,” highlighting the fact that MPTF is considered one of the centers of excellence in Southern California. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that as of 2020, there was a need for 70,000 geriatric social workers, but Jennifer notes, “Less than 3% of those graduating choose to work with older adults.” So Jennifer does her part in addressing the “silver tsunami of unprecedented growth” by making the commitment to welcome four new student interns on campus each year and creating a safe place for them to learn.

MPTF Interns Melissa, Jennifer, Brett, and Meg have spent the last few months working closely with staff on campus, shadowing their work in palliative care, aiding outreach in the community with Elder Care, engaging with our diverse residential population, and asking the kinds of questions that keep everyone pushing toward the greatest good. As these four friends now look to make their way in the world, we wish them well and thank them for their service. Thank you also to GSWEC for your partnership, and congratulations on 20 years of service in caring for our older adult population.

Originally published May 17, 2021