These are the people we touch and the work we do.

Father’s Day

Richard Learman and Kelly Browne

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June 18, 2023 – Our MPTF family is full of stories of fatherhood, including several right here on campus. For example, Richard M. Learman, a resident here for four years, had many positions in the entertainment industry for five decades including Assistant Director, but “Dad” was at the top of his job list. His daughter, Kelly Browne (one of three children with his wife Peggy), has been an enthusiastic promoter and volunteer for MPTF for years (including participating in our annual Instant Film Festival), and Richard was even part of a film shoot here once.

“Today,” Richard says, “my grown-up children know that they can still always come to me for any concerns or feelings they may have, regardless of the circumstances.” Being in the industry wasn’t easy working 12-15 hour days and dealing with the uncertainly of job security after each show, though he brought the kids along for several productions (with acting roles!) including Disney’s The Last Flight of Noah’s Ark, Steve McQueen’s last film, The Hunter, and parts for all of them in the miniseries George Washington. “What I’m most grateful for at MPTF is the quality of care provided here,” Richard says. “The dining room and kitchen staff, the landscapers, the medical and nursing staff, housekeeping, facilities, security, transportation, the gym, recreation, the volunteers, the social workers, the finance and administrative staff – they all blend together with unassuming diligence to ensure our comfort and well-being.” Kelly herself credits MPTF and our social workers with “literally saving my life. My parents were part of the Aliso Canyon gas disaster, the worst one in U.S. history – and MPTF was there for me. Maria Gisina was calling me after my mom collapsed, and she and Holly Spiegel showed up at my house.” Kelly gave thanks to MPTF in her last two books, which her dad helped on: “He’s my best friend and creative partner.” Today on Father’s Day, they’ll be celebrating together here at MPTF, and we’ll all be celebrating together with you in spirit.