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Scott Frank Chats

Scott Frank Chats The Queen's Gambit

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Scott Frank, creator of the Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit, chats with Jennifer Clymer on MPTF Studios’ Creative Chaos about his career, the hit show that’s “taken the world by storm as the most-watched limited series on Netflix,” and what it’s like to boost chess-set sales around the world. It’s a fascinating interview where Scott talks about the challenges of encouraging and empowering great work over his successful career and how he worked to create a rich fabric from the “group of brilliant people who all came together” to make this series. Scott is also a generous volunteer for MPTF. In 2012 he created a short film for the newly opened Jodie Foster Aquatic Center on MPTF’s Wasserman Campus that skillfully showcases the humanity and the important role a place like MPTF plays in people’s lives.