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Wake Up to Your Joy

Wake Up to Your Joy

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To help provide real-life coping strategies for assistants in the entertainment industry who had recently lost their jobs, our very own Dr. Scott Kaiser, Chief Innovation Officer, Jennifer Jorge, Director of Community Social Services, Debi Conocenti, Manager of Employee Wellness, and the passionate Agapi Stassinopoulos, best-selling author and speaker, met for an energetic and inspired discussion in September of 2020.

Dr. Kaiser started with some sobering stats from the CDC on anxiety and depression and drug and alcohol abuse. It set the tone for an inspired conversation on the ravages of COVID-19 on all of our lives. Agapi reminded us that “resilience is embedded in our DNA” with Debi’s added insight: we are not our thoughts, “they are not part of our soul, they are part of our brain.” These perspectives can rightfully be used to help calm the fearful voices in our heads. All in, the conversation generated an abundance of practical suggestions for using our bodies to soothe our minds, engaging friends in new ways, plugging into music, and remaining cognizant of the fact that we are not alone. There are simply too many great ideas in this seminar to adequately sum them up here. Watch the discussion below. It’s well worth your time.