These are the people we touch and the work we do.

A New Home

A koi pond in front of an office building.

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We all know life can throw a curve ball when you least expect it, and someone who knows that all too well is James Hearn. Now 73 years old, he worked for years in the industry doing testing and repairing of consoles and other equipment for sound mixing as well as building and customizing studios to create a theater environment. Disabled since 1998 due to work-related trauma, he lost his support system in 2018 with the death of his partner of over 40 years (his primary source of caregiving and income) and had already been in contact with MPTF about being on the list for future residency. With the guidance of his Elder Connection social worker here at MPTF, James became eligible for our services and was referred to Age Well for medical care, our home safety program, our Daily Call Sheet program, and access transportation. In 2019 we assisted him with a transfer to an assisted living facility including relocation expenses, but during the pandemic his well-being significantly declined. His social worker advocated for his expedited transfer to our campus, and in April of 2022, James moved to the Lodge. He’s flourished here with new friendships with others who worked in the entertainment industry, as well as receiving regular medical care as well as physical therapy. In particular he loves the Koi pond near our entrance, a tranquil spot to spend the day. Now he’s looking forward to post-Covid life here with regular movie screenings and, as an art minor in college, enjoying our resident art classes including his favorite, ceramics. “It’s fantastic,” he says of his home here. “I describe it as a cross between a college campus and a park!”