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Our Youngest Members

The Samuel Goldwyn Foundation Children's Center

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The Samuel Goldwyn Foundation Children’s Center temporarily closed its doors due to the pandemic in March of 2020, impacting 105 children and their parents. On September 8th, after establishing strict protocols based on LA County’s standards, the doors squeaked back open adding more kids to the roster, week to week, until today it is at nearly half capacity. Kae Connors, Director, attributes this return not just to a growing comfort level and first-hand familiarity (“There’s a lot of trust.”) but also the fact that more parents happily are being called back to work. For nearly nine years, Kae has shepherded these youngsters and knows they are “happy to be back to a routine that includes their friends. Kids are so resilient. We’re seeing examples of it every day.” When asked how it’s been to keep everyone in masks, Kae reassures, “I think because they’ve been seeing their parents wearing masks for months, it’s been unpredictably easy to manage.”

The reaction from parents has been equally positive. As Kae reminds us, “A child in this age group—they’re pretty demanding—and parents don’t want to rely on TV. So they’re really happy their children are in an environment that is age-appropriate, fun for them, and stimulating.” Kae also attributes the successful reopening to a great partnership where “kids are the bottom line,” noting the deep commitment and involvement of the Goldwyn family whose own children once attended the school.