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Instant Film Festival

An Annual Day of Creativity on Our Campus.

Held on The Wasserman Campus, MPTF’s Instant Film Festival began in 2017 and offers a day full of collaboration and fun working side by side with current industry professionals, upcoming college students, and MPTF residents. Teams of residents and volunteers take a line of dialogue and create a 1 to 5-minute short film, all over the course of a single day that concludes with screenings and awards for the finished films.

Watch all of the 2025 8th Annual MPTF Film Festival Shorts:

Interested in participating? Contact | 818.876.6388

Watch highlights from the 2022 Instant Film Festival here. > 

Watch highlights from the 2021 Instant Film Festival here. >

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“It’s a great concept… and it’s interesting how many talented people there are.”


Actor, Volunteer

MPTF Instant Film Festival

“It’s a great concept… and it’s interesting how many talented people there are.”

Actor, Volunteer

Teams are assigned a few days before the festival. Conditions permitting, they shoot on personal camera phones and edit on site with the help of MPTF Studios, and lunch is provided to all participants. After completion, all of the shorts are screened in the Susan and Gary Martin Screening Room on campus, with the awards presentation featuring more surprises like raffles and giveaways.

Potential roles for the day beyond production, actors, and crew can include Resident Advisor, Timekeeper, Editor, Jury Member, Cast and Crew Support, and other Event Support including t-shirt distribution, makeup and hair, audio file searching, and media support.


The Instant Film Festival is held by MPTF Studios, our campus production facility that provides original content keeping our residents creatively engaged. For more information about the Instant Film Festival, contact

2020 Instant Film Festival Shorts
Intergenerational teams and their clever shorts.

2019 Instant Film Festival Shorts
What happens when industry pros gather around creativity.

1st Instant Film Festival
A peek behind the scenes in 2017.