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Generations of Care

The Samuel Goldwyn Foundation Children's Center

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It was a cause for celebration that August, 2021 marked the 30th anniversary of the Samuel Goldwyn Foundation Children’s Center. This warm and inviting environment in West Los Angeles, operated on behalf of MPTF by Bright Horizons, is for children of industry members from eight weeks to six years of age. Sam Goldwyn Jr made the Children’s Center a reality back in 1991, and the Goldwyn family continues to support its vital mission. As MPTF Board of Governors member Tony Goldwyn said, “My father began to realize that many of the working families in our business had special challenges with regards to childcare – particularly given the instability of income in show business… So he set out to tackle the problem.”

With a wide range of activities from yoga to painting, the Center has been a big hit with parents and children over the years and its long hours of operation have allowed many industry members to feel comfortable about the care and education of their children during the work day. The safety protocols embraced by Bright Horizon and supported by MPTF have allowed the school to operate since Labor Day 2020. And the Children’s Center is supported by a Goldwyn-family tuition endowment program to help make the school available to a broad constituency. Here’s to a very happy 30th and many more generations to come. Find out more here.